Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cocaine Cocaine (Unmastered)

[UPDATE 2/11/09: don't download that other shit below. i mixed them down before i understood anything about anything. this is what the song is supposed to sound like:



this recording of Cocaine Cocaine was made with my old mic. the sound is raw, which i like, but i feel like i could get a more complete vocal spectrum with the new mic i just bought. this song was actually recorded a couple of weeks ago as a scratch track the night i wrote the song; that's part of why i like this recording -- the emotions are still really, really close to the surface.

[UPDATE 2/4/09: here's the new recording with the new mic i bought: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD COCAINE COCAINE]

my intonation is also off here and there, and i'm not going to use any pitch correction software on my vocals (probably ever, though i should never say never), but when i do the next few takes i'll probably try to aim a little more for the center of the pitch. i'm going to re-record the vocal and see if i like it better that way, and i'll post the result when i'm done with it.

this is a pretty self-explanatory song. if my future mother-in-law is reading this, though, i want to make it clear that although each character in these songs is drawn from personal experience, the first verse is not about my financee (although the second verse is about my actual brother; if you want more details on his situation, read the Long Way Off post).

the "drum" is me smacking my open hand against my chest. the synthetic choir at the end is a mellotron choir sound, which i am frankly a little obsessed with, and will probably show up on almost every track on this record.