Friday, January 16, 2009

first1!11@~ *

i started this blog to make a record of a record. i hope to continue it after the Blueyed Son debut album is finished, but first, i want this blog to be a place for me to work out my thoughts on the process of writing and recording an unbelievably personal collection of songs. i'm going to use this space to discuss not only the logistics of recording the material (instrument choices, stylistic aims, what have you) but the background behind each song. i've always found these writings useful when they come from other artists, and it is my somewhat earnest wish that this blog will similarly inspire someone else. if that's not really your thing, then this probably isn't the blog for you.

all these thoughts, and all the thoughts i plan to air out on this blog in the future, are unfinished. i stand by all of them as the truth of what i was thinking and feeling at the time of writing, but our perspectives can change quickly and dramatically, and anything i write today may be contradicted by something i write tomorrow. that's the nature of blogging, of course, and those times when i do change my mind about something or contradict something i said earlier, i'll note it and try to explain why.

anyway, i'm going to make an attempt to be as honest as possible about myself and my music. this isn't so easy. everyone wants to have tight control over the narrative that they present to other people; writers and other artists are usually even more susceptible to this, since their job is to create "the lie that tells the truth" as a great artist once said.

i confess that part of the reason i became a writer was to escape the world i was living in and write some stories that suffused my personal frustrations and hardships with some grander meaning, though i was not aware of this at the time. resisting this tendency to propagandize requires constant diligence. self-examination is often brutal and painful, and it is much easier to put your pose on, even (or perhaps especially) for a writer. over the past three years or so, i've been kicking my own ass into forcing some real honest-to-god appraisals of who i am, why i am the person i am, what i want from my life, and perhaps most crucially, how i fit into the world around me. three years ago, my answers to those questions would have been almost completely opposite what they are today. this is progress, i think.

so this is Blueyed Blog. i've probably done too much talking about what it's going to be already, so i'm just go ahead and start making it into whatever it eventually becomes. if you're reading this, i hope you'll take part.

* title dedicated to all your internet traditions, of which i am aware.