Saturday, February 21, 2009

"bexar county" (live take -- guitar and vox only)

before my little beer opening incident i was promising a new track. well, here's the raw version, just guitar and vocals, both recorded at the same time, all one take.

i wanted to record a "live" version of me playing this song, or as live as i could get, so this is what i did. i also had cassie take some pictures of me doing it - i'll post those when she's done editing them. but, this is pretty live; i didn't do any overdubs (though i did cross-layer my "whoa" shouts in the bridge but only by using existing material from this take, just to make sure i was extra lars von trier about the live-ness).

i really like the sound effect that was created by my vocal mic picking up my guitar strings being played - it created an electric/acoustic sound that i'm going to experiment with more. whenever my vocal gets louder, though, the "acoustic" sound gets drowned out though, so i want to record the guitar and vocal tracks separately at some point for the full band arrangement of this song.

i guess this is the beauty of having your own home recording studio - you have unlimited hours to experiment with the sounds you're able to record.

i know i won't leave long way off alone, but i have a feeling that this electric/acoustic sound is going to show up in long way off as well. it's what i keep trying to achieve with the electric sound with the constant new versions i've been doing.