Friday, September 11, 2009


i'm obsessed with tinkering with titles; that's pretty obvs. the title of my forthcoming EP (i love you, Alan Douches, but fucking finish up with that mastering already, my friend) was going to be "Broken Homes in Bexar County", and every day i'm less interested in that title.

my brother just finished artwork for the album cover, and i haven't seen it yet, but i asked him to put "Blueyed Son" in the painting, in kind of a late 60s early 70s album cover way. except, i don't know if he's clear on the way i spell it, so i realized he most likely did it, but spelled it "Blue Eyed Son".

so i started thinking about it, and i realized that Blueyed Son: "Blue Eyed Son" would be a really cool debut EP title. so i'm scrapping all that broken homes stuff, i think, and just going with "Blue Eyed Son" for the album, while still calling myself Blueyed Son. i like that it's just a tiny bit self-aware, but not annoyingly so. "Broken Homes in Bexar County" is also just so damn depressing.